Openstack Private cloud : Most Preferred Enterprise Cloud Platform

One of the most demanding cloud computing platform ‘OpenStack’ turned 4 earlier this July.

Openstack private cloud has developed and has captured heights over the past 4 years seeking attention from Top level IT executives and developers all around the world.

A huge demand for this OpenStack platform can be seen by the huge community/industry support backed by OpenStack Summits conference all around the world for developers, users, and administrators of OpenStack Cloud Software.

Check out how effectively OpenStack can be used in your business ?

Enterprises’ Data Centers today are virtualized heavily.Recently,a strong demand has been seen on Openstack,an open-source cloud infrastructure project,which will a path-way for forthcoming enterprises to begin exploiting the cloud platform. For small or medium enterprises, having fixed budgets constraints on investing on the IT hardware equipments,providing they are having a high performance requirement,can definitely evaluate options using various cloud offerings leveraged by OpenStack.

The demand on OpenStack projects are steadily increasing , with more and more enterprises trying to reap its maximum benefits.Does you business run much faster on OpenStack?If so,how ? OpenStack helps you reduce your time to market by giving you access to self-service portals by which you can access necessary resource on demand, along with an API driven platform for developing your cloud apps or for syncing with other platforms,thus helping enterprises reach the market in no time !

Also with it powerful integration capacity with a variety of business systems can help in the smooth functioning of an organization. Keeping OpenStack as your cloud platform can help organizations choose between private cloud in a data center or host private cloud infrastructure with service provider, or use Open Stack public clouds.

How Can Openstack Benefit Enterprises :

  • A collaborative, Open source environment
  • Flexibility and versatility
  • Agility
  • Modular Architecture
  • Scalable
  • Massive Industry Support
  • Maximum Security
  • Amazon web services compatible API’s
  • Reduction in DC costs
  • Reduce Infrastructure Costs
  • Capex – Opex flexibility
  • No lock-in
  • Option of having public or private clouds
  • Best Option for building any software-as-a-service application
  • Serves as a base for delivering self-service storage and service on demand to users who need IT services
  • Delivers scalable, low-cost and easy-to-manage storage
  • Protects from drive failures by preventing and controlling data corruption

OpenStack: The Preferred Open Cloud Platform –

OpenStack is a free and open-source software cloud computing platform. It is primarily deployed as an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) solution. The technology consists of a series of interrelated projects that control pools of processing, storage, and networking resources throughout a data center, able to be managed or provisioned through a web-based dashboard, command-line tools, or a RESTful API. It is released under the terms of the Apache License.

OpenStack began in 2010 as a joint project of Rackspace Hosting and NASA, and is currently managed by the OpenStack Foundation, a non-profit corporate entity established in September 2012 to promote OpenStack software and its community. More than 200 companies have joined the project, including Arista Networks, AT&T, AMD, Avaya, Canonical, Cisco, Dell, EMC, Ericsson, Go Daddy, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Intel, Mellanox, NEC, NetApp, Nexenta, Oracle, Red Hat, SUSE Linux, VMware and Yahoo!.

Companies like SparkMyCloud, apart from providing cloud computing support provides cloud consultation services which can help prepare strategy and implementation services to help organizations on their journey to the cloud.

Why OpenStack ?

Openstack Private Cloud company

SparkMyCloud’s OpenStack Services :

Openstack Private Cloud 1

SparkMyCloud is an Indian based group of OpenStack Indian Experts. SparkMyCloud can assist you in assessing your cloud requirements and where required design, develop, deliver and support an OpenStack based cloud to suit your needs.

SparkMyCloud provides a range of services including:

  • OpenStack Consulting
  • OpenStack Deployment of  Private/Public/Hybrid Cloud Architecture
  • Migration of application architectures to OpenStack
  • Transitioning of an organisation into the private cloud,etc
  • OpenStack Integration with a wide variety of commercial storage, compute or networking products
  • Assistance in choosing the most appropriate products based on SparkMyCloud’s strong regional relationships with major technology vendors
  • Helps in engaging with your R&D department in order to develop and customise OpenStack to meet your needs.

Speak to our experts and stay ahead of the technologies !

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