Short Cut for- Migration to AWS Cloud of your current applications


SparkMyCloud Engineers have done quiet alot of migration to aws cloud projects for European and Middle East clients’.And,also SparkMyCloud migration services follows a similiar cloud migration phase as like Amazon’s too.

migration to aws cloud

Cloud Assessment

2 migration to aws cloud

Financial Assessment –

In the first stage,our technical program manager from ourtechnical team will help you analyze the hardware configuration of physical servers to equivalent EC2 instance types and estimate the combined storage and bandwidth requirements.

One of the tools which we make use in this phase is the AWS TCO Calculator which can help us understand the cost benefits through cloud migration.

Security and Compliance assessment:

In the next step we determine and analyse the risk tolerance capacity, regulatory compliance requirements, and intellectual property concerns of your firm.

As we believe in protecting and providing the world class security, we determine where to store your data and on how to handle the encryption at rest and in transit.

Migration suitability assessment:

We help you –

  • Identify your resources which require migration
  • Sort these resources or applications on the basis of security, performance and scalability requirements
  • We check with the content management, backup, log processing, development and staging activities

Basically by the end of this phase, we will get a clear picture about your company’s objectives and success criteria’s

And we can create a detailed plan including a road map for you to achieve this Success !

Proof of Concept Tests :

Once we have assessed and understood the cost and time saving benefits, we start to build a proof of concept AWS application for you ! We understand that is not a mere childs’ play, so It’s always better to test ,before we shift !

SparkMyCloud team performs a trial round using some techniques like:

  • Starting,Terminating,Configuring Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon RDS DB Instances
  • Storing and Retrieving Amazon S3 objects
  • Setting upElastic Load Balancers using the AWS Management Console.
  • Moving your RD files to Amazon RDS instances,using the “mysqlimport”utility
  • Switching and using DB instances on both Single and Multi Availability Zones
  • Testing and Migrating all data to DB instance
  • And, Checking your current performance metrics using Amazon Cloud Watch

Data Migration

Once SparkMyCloud team has finished the POC tests and when our team is 100 % confident for migration to aws cloud.

We :

  • Move all the application’s static files Images, JS, CSS, video, audio, and static HTML content) into an Amazon S3 bucket
  • Create a Cloud Front distribution of this Amazon S3 bucket
  • Modify the references in your web pages, so that the end users get the content directly from Amazon S3 and Amazon Cloud Front.
  • Do the scripting/coding and install the AWS SDK tool/tools as per your platform requirements

Application Migration

  • Once your data has been migrated, SparkMyCloud engineers will launch your instances (Small/Medium/Large) as required.
  • We then create an Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) for each server type
  • And, define your security group to isolate your web servers from applications and database servers to make sure your systems are performing at the expected levels

Co-Existence Phase

SparkMyCloud advises you to deploy a Hybrid Migration Strategy ,rather than the Forklift Method, during the migration of your web and application servers to the cloud.

Hybrid Migration Strategy :

  • We configure your on-premise hardware load balancer in such a way that it sends requests to the new instances in the cloud
  • And, route the traffic to the servers in both cloud as well as to the physical servers simultaneously for some time
  • Once we find the cloud servers are performing at the required levels,we dismiss the traffic to the physical server one-by-one
  • And then, we update your Load Balancers
  • After we have finished the testing phase, we switch your DNS to the cloud based server,and then you have a fully migrated AWS cloud at hand !!

Leveraging Your Cloud

  • SparkMyCloud engineers helps you in creating an Auto Scaling group of Web servers which will help you in automatically provisioning more capacity when specific resources reach a threshold limit.
  • We also streamline your development and testing processes to make it easier to clone the testing environments
  • Extras : To make sure you achieve more higher availability, we leverage more multiple availability zones for your servers.

Optimization Tips

  • SparkMyCloud Engineers can help you save about 30-40% more upon switching to Reserved Instances (RIs)
  • We can also build some additional scripts to run your web application in 3 different “modes”: weekend, weekday and promotion mode ,which helps in defining the minimum no. of servers to run as required, thus saving unwanted expenses.
  • Also,we integrate the Amazon Cloud Watch to monitor your system metrics, so that you can get notified of every instance at your cloud fleet

Cost Saving Benefits :

  • Free-up your existing physical infrastructure for other projects
  • Reduce your expenditure overheads by 30 % – 40 %
  • Resolve all your the financial, technical and social-political concerns
  • Finally, we can help you achieve a flexible,elastic, scalable , and easy to maintain architecture.

References :

AWS White Papers

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