Recently there has been news all over about the growing popularity of Flutter over other cross-platform application development frameworks like React-Native,Cordova, ionic etc.
The Flutter SDK is based on the Dart programming language, which is developed by Google. It’s intent is to supplant classic JavaScript. On a server, Dart programs can be run directly, while in the browser they are converted to JavaScript using the Dart2js transcompiler.
There are several reasons why Flutter is gaining huge traction compared to others. Here are the few key highlights:
1 Single Codebase
It allows developers to write code once and it can run on multiple platforms. Needless to say you can keep track of the same version for both Android and iOS. You are going to save time, and overall development cost in launching a new app.
2 Rich Libraries
The efficiency of a programming language is all about the libraries they offer. With flutter Skia Graphics Library which is a fast and mature open-source graphics library. It redraws the UI every time a view changes resulting in faster loading times.
3 Fast testing with hot reload
One of the unique features of Flutter where developers can see changes made to code instantly. Any updates are available to both the designers and developers in a matter of seconds.