Case study

FlowChart App for tracking the completed works

Client Profile:

The client had a constant struggle with the employees to track their work, status of it and proof of completion of the work.


This app provides job details with flow charts after a work is completed. Previously, a contractor had to manually draw and submit related images of works being undertaken. Using AsBuilt, once a user submits related details of Overhead and UG details automatically PDFs are generated with flowchart and images attached with it. This gives a clear picture of what job has done at a particular place.

We offered an app that requests details and images of a work site and number of overheads and Underground works done for a particular job. With the details submitted in the mobile app, back office users review data and add section numbers for each overhead and underground works done for a particular job. After successful submission automatic emails are generated 

  1. One PDF containing details of underground works
  2. PDF containing details of Overhead work
  3. Flowchart of overhead

Tools used:

Powerapps, power automation and power bi

As an end user of the app, the team was very happy as we were able to save their time in collecting and sorting out the details of overhead and UG works.